the mentor network class action lawsuit

The initial status conference for recently consolidated hair relaxer lawsuits filed in federal courts nationwide will be held on Thursday. My cycle completely changed, every single month was painful. I joined a fb group for breast implant illness ,very informative information . Mentor MemoryShape Lawsuit Over Breast Implant-Associated ALCL Risk Cleared To Move Forward. Shortly after I was diagnosed with a frozen left shoulder, which is an autoimmune issue. A Florida woman indicates in a recently filed lawsuit that she developed a condition known as breast implant illness after receiving Mentor breast implants, which have left her with permanent injuries. A "class action" lawsuit is one in which a group of people with the same or similar injuries caused by the same product or action sue the defendant as a group. I have had all the Bii symptoms for years. that group home staff are bully, and nasty mean the hurt people that is not nice i want to move out [censored]ty. No one should ever have to endure this chronic pain and sujffering. After gaining a mass amount of weight, getting 4 weekly injections from an allergist, and seeing an RA doctor every few months for major joint pain and having no menstrual period at age 33 I decided it was worth a shot. The brain fog is still an issue, and I have long lost my relationship, due to my lack of sexual interest. I went back my room I started to cry I said I want get flu shot I don't want to get sick, but some people don't get flu shot because they will get sicker and the go to hospital that staff in nasty group-home Millville NJ. This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. Rice Harbut Elliott LLP has commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court of British Columbia against Mentor Worldwide LLC and Johnson & Johnson in a proposed class action lawsuit on behalf of Canadian women who have been affected by Mentor breast implants of the silicone cohesive gel type. Im so relieved that I found this article. Mentor needs to be stopped. After gaining a mass amount of weight, getting 4 weekly injections from an allergist, and seeing an RA doctor every few months for major joint pain and having no menstrual period at age 33 I decided it was worth a shot. We promise not to send you any unrelated messages, Click here if youd like to unsubscribe from notifications about new complaints of The MENTOR Network. Wondering why no other doc[Show More]After 3 years of going from doctor to doctor one doctor said she believed my autoimmune issues and cognitive issues were bc of my Mentor saline implants. I have had mentor textured implants over 10 years and just recently learned about BII. I submitted a complaint on the fda website. Siltex Mammary Textured Prothesis All symptoms are GONE. On 12/15/2015 Esther Jenkins filed a Labor - Other Labor lawsuit against The Mentor Network Inc a Delaware corporation. I intend to file suit.After ll these years of being sick, and doctors I have seen. SJ talk to me about her sister, but her sister is nice SJ friend MD talk to me nicely but SJ talk about all the time she drives me nut.the staff that mean to me and the staff says getup stair and you stay in room and i crying a lot that my feeling and hurt my heart that is painful I don't like hurting people 's feeling don't this happing again staff says to me in van at house in Millville NJ IM stay in my i watch the tv about new York in 20 years ago i remember that I been new boyfriend use to he take me out i was younger that my age. Anxiety, depression, muscle aches, joint pain, skin rashes, constantly sick, extreme fatigue, loss of my job due to sickness, not being able to work, loss of hair on eyebrows, colitis, couldnt breath felt suffocated, eyes swelling and red constantly, so many more. A year later I had vertigo for a month. After 3 years of going from doctor to doctor one doctor said she believed my autoimmune issues and cognitive issues were bc of my Mentor saline implants. Senate to investigate Mentor Oregon Analyze and resolve complaints pertaining to services, and equipment in area of responsibility. I have an appointment with a surgeon October 7, 2019 to talk about explant. That not nice to me Dominique treats me badly and abuse me in their way that not nice. This case was filed in Sacramento County Superior Courts, Gordon D Schaber Sacramento County Courthouse located in Sacramento, California. Military service members between 2003 and 2015 may be eligible for a 3M earplug lawsuit payout over hearing damage or tinnitus. At that time, Mentor replied that they would have no further communication with me. All Rights Reserved. I decided to take a medical from work that was 5 months ago! I had implant surgery in 2005 1 year later started getting sick and it's been getting worse over the years. the guy come staff door. Im trying to find a lawyer in NJ to take my case if anyone knows of one. My shoulders and elbows were killing me. The following DISH Network lawsuits are usually lawsuits against DISH Network filed by a government entity (which have more legal options than consumers), long-running older lawsuits, or corporate disputes involving DISH Network. Staff that reports it is retaliated against. you don't tell what to do you don't recyclable in trash you don't do that .it against the law. After 3 years of going from doctor to doctor one doctor said she believed my autoimmune issues and cognitive issues were bc of my Mentor saline implants. I can be contacted at: I cant count all of my mental diagnoses. I have had mentor textured implants over 10 years and just recently learned about BII. Read full review of The MENTOR Network and 1 comment. The Open to Claims page lists open class-action suits and the deadlines you have to reach out to lawyers and law groups to get a check as part of the suit. It said . I had my mentor saline implants removed due to BII, Im seeking an attorney for compensation, please help. Millville group-home are smell, stink. Staff CeCe hit me in living room down stair, but she is doing to play her daughter 99 she is4 years old staff CeCe said to me don't say that word pussy staff turn around again staff said joke I said to my staff CeCe, you don't hit people on your job, and you will get fire your job 'you can't do that on your job the boss don't like the staff CeCe hit people that me I talking to my staff CeCe, you be nice to me, please be nice to me in nasty Millville NJ staff ladies how to learn to nice to patient in any group home in New Jersey that state of New Jersey law any staffs don't hit another patients, in the down stair living room the staffs are sleeping on chair in tv room in living room of Millville group home, I TOLD staff CeCe and don't do that to me and my girlfriend never hit me because I don't get hurt by staff hitting me that abuse and you will get fired for your jobs .in mead office Mantor network program boss will get fired from her job by the skinny staff with 4 years old daughter sat on staff chair with her mother my brother joe from Australia said staffs in Millville group home every staff member you don't hit people on your job no abuse me . Mentor removed the case to the federal court system, based on the amounts of damages sought and the diversity among parties, so the case is currently pending in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida. Many many doctors visits. I have had mentor textured implants over 10 years and just recently learned about BII., I am sharing this person's complaint as well. I feel I'm slowly dying and I'm fighting for my life back. My doctor never warned me of this possible risk. I have thyroid issues. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. I don't like that movies lady she not nice the staff tell SJ's sister Kat I are not friend anymore. OMG, Im in tears right now because I know this is whats wrong! I don't like group home is bossy and nasty abuse neglect the hurt my feeling i was cry a lot in van'. That Dominique that hurt my feeling. I am going to[Show More]I have been ill with debilitating fatigue and weakness, autoimmune issues, visual disturbances, painful joints and body, swelling under arm, chest pains, sleep disturbances, brain fog, gastrointestinal issues, anxiety and depression over being sick and tired with no relief. the not nice. Ive had implants for 9 years (4 surgeries &6 procedures during that time including reductions, capsular contracture, implant exchange)i started with allergen Saline and changed to Mentor textured silicone 4 years ago. But that Dominique Rozier will hurt me. water at you [censored]ed [censored].and the staff Stary. Mentor silicone. My menstrual period returned naturally 2 weeks after explant and Ive had it every month since until I got pregnant in Dec or 2019. Side effects were hell. staff are bossy very mean to me. that cabinet for the staff only in kitchen and staff said you stay out of it she shish my milk, that [censored]ing [censored] [censored],[censored] I don't like that [censored]ing [censored] nasty mean that [censored] black staff. The surgeon that did the surgery is in prison for medicare frau[Show More]I need compensation FOR NEGLIGENCE, lost wages, pain and suffering, medical bills and future care and to get these removed. I Have a diagnosis of Hashimotos thyroiditis , gastrointestinal issues, anxiety , migraines, brain fog , me[Show More]I've had mentor implants in since 2013 , I have several health problems such has pain in my back, neck, burning sensation in breasts , weight gain , got tested for everything .Seen immunologist, got allergy testing , now all of a sudden I am allergic to everything . I am looking in having my implants removed as I have just started researching the connection between implants and autoimmune diseases. I had a double silicone implant rupture in 2006. But.. they have no kim bullock Told curtis scott smart huxley he cant spend after telling curtis grandma vicki friend that he took pizza in room hen he was sawed by mr lance eating pizza from pizza hut in kicthen and curtis stole bread from the kicthen after thinking staff would say no and told vcki friend curtis grandma that curtis did not clean his room but did sweep and mop the day before and thats all. In one instance, the Program Manager hired her Best Friend and made her a Supervisor. I underwent surgery in January, 2016 for implants. I was diagnosed with RA and have been taking a slew of meds. Please help! of me that group home staffs abuse me and hit me on these jobs they will get fired from their jobs and the boss don't like nasty staffs on these jobs. I have been to Dr. after Dr and spent countless amount of money on medical bills. The other video is on the same page/channel. My MRI came back clean, thank God! I see why people commit suicide when the are getting no help and suffering daily. is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. A federal judge has approved a $650m settlement of a privacy lawsuit against Facebook for allegedly using photo face-tagging and other biometric data . I want to get my own apartments in north jersey I can't wait to move out I get it and my brother Joe Abert from Australia, and I will tell everything they did to me in stupid Millville group-home, and they abuse girls in this group-home today that not nice at all. If so, I feel very sorry for the people that look toward a company like this for support. Several emails and they sent me the safety info. go to upstairs room! Please someone help us this silicone is killing us..[Show More]I don't even know where to start? I tell my brother joe from Australia. He said that is on the dr not Mentor. I heard about Bii and just knew it was me. . In February of 2016, I started feeling extremely tired. and tell Sandra J's sister Kat on me I don't like you being bossy me around. in hot weather make people morn sleep hot weather make people lazy and tied and sleepy that blood thinner that why make lot of people sleepy and tied I hate heat in house that too hot for me anyway I take my clothe off in my room but my room too hot I don't like heat I sweat from side effect form my medications from my doctor [censored]ed medication's side effect staffs are bossy nasty to me thy cussing at me in the kitchen in down stair today. I feel like I'm dying. Changing names is how they have tried to hide the problems. my brother Joe from Australia and he will come see me and i want to move out stupid group home they tell another girl what to do this morning the staff tell me said you go down stair kitchen and take medications and vitamins, I say you stop tell what to do that noise. I had a PBM to avoid cancer, not to have calcification and increase my risk of breast cancer. Staff that reports it is retaliated against. I have been for a CT scan, there is significant calcification and a possible necrosis lump, my body clearly doesn't want this in me. I was falling asleep driving home from work at 4pm. I don't Millville NJ [censored]ing group homes. Today is starting that again that new staff Dominique's friend Jeram tell me what to do. I feel like my life has not been the same. The suit is being brought on behalf of a former long-term employee who has experienced a number of injuries at the hands of her employer. I had mentor saline implants for 11 years. I have Naturelle Inspira SSLP soft touch Allergan implants. Its very depressing! Several emails and they sent me the safety info. Siltex Mammary Textured Prothesis I had a double silicone implant rupture in 2006. I have been to Dr. after Dr and spent countless amount of money on medical bills. this morning Dominique Rozier said to me you give me [censored]! My thyroid had become so compromised, that the doctors threatened to take my drivers license away. These injuries can be physical or financial, ranging from concussions to money lost on products that were defective or falsely advertised. Today is. also, staff Brittary b. said to SJ get in shower and staff Pouk SJ's eyes. This has cost me so much money, pain, time with my family, and almost cost me my life last summer. By consolidating all the similar cases into a single action, each individual victim does not have to pay for their own lawyer or go to court. But legal experts say this is far from settled law and that litigation like Butterick's class action lawsuit could upend the tenuously defined status quo. my brother joe albert from Australia my brother joe said to me you need single pedestal steel desk size 45"w in my room I want my desk now! Insurance won't cover and I can't take a loan or credit card out, I'm also in a chapter 13 bankruptcy from previous divorce and medical bills. Over the last two years, Mentor racked up more "high" deficiencies the worst kind per home than any other provider with at le I had TMJ in December. After therapy and time, about a year later I had it in my right shoulder. No strength to exercise. Of myself my own money myself I will get my old place back in Parsippany NJ. A Bank of America customer filed an NSF fee charge lawsuit against the financial institution saying that the bank charged her for two NSF Fees at $35 a piece before it covered the transaction and charged her for a $35 overdraft fee. Im so rel[Show More]OMG, Im in tears right now because I know this is whats wrong! today is 8/31/2022 at 11:34 am, I went to kitchen I cook my foods in microwave in kitchen, I eat my lunch in staff's Livingroom downstairs I want Disney world on staff's tv on wall and that want to watch Disney world on tv, and staff Chirstine Bank don't watch Disney world on staff's tv and staff Chirstine bank said to me you get upstairs room staff Chirstine Bank said to me you give it to me remote you get upstairs room. She talks to me like that the movies lady said no, you cannot to help Sandra Johnsson, she need soap wash her body with. If your looking for a good job helping out people who can not do it themselves, well, this is not the place for you!!! I had implant surgery in 2005 1 year later started getting sick and it's been getting worse over the years. I need compensation FOR NEGLIGENCE, lost wages, pain and suffering, medical bills and future care and to get these removed. I've had mentor implants in since 2013 , I have several health problems such has pain in my back, neck, burning sensation in breasts , weight gain , got tested for everything .Seen immunologist, got allergy testing , now all of a sudden I am allergic to everything . I was so shocked. Enron Securities Fraud Class Action - $7.2 billion. The craziest change is that i started my period 5 days post op. I need compensation FOR NEGLIGENCE, lost wages, pain and suffering, medical bills and future care and to get these removed. Doctors don't care. you must put in recyclable in recycle in recycling in gray bin. that neglect and they made me sick and tired and that pate of [censored].But I want to move back my old place in Morris County area my old apartment in the town of Parsippany NJ I like Parsippany NJ the bast i do what to-do I work in recycling center in Dover NJ. I have lost two very long debilitating years of my life. Today is 12/17/22 Saturday later that day TB start acting up again in Livingroom that stupid staff tell me get up stair now! I am still very much in recovery. I have been ill with debilitating fatigue and weakness, autoimmune issues, visual disturbances, painful joints and body, swelling under arm, chest pains, sleep disturbances, brain fog, gastrointestinal issues, anxiety and depression over being sick and tired with no relief. Period. Different than sleepy. This same super has doctored paperwork from the communications log book, has held medication/ documentation error paperwork for weeks then used it against me. The Mentor Network / NeuroRestorative does not investigate Abuse, Neglect and Theft from clients in their care and allows it to continue. I'm only 41 and the quality of life up to now is zero. Almost immediate symptoms. I explained it to my doctor like I had flu all the time. today this morning The Dominique Rozier said to me I want you talk to you now! I pray I don't get cancer this is preventable save us while we still have time. It is sickening and something has to be done about this. Hey, I'm not dog, I am human I told staff Turkey, you stop tell me what to do that Innogy' . I feel like I'm dying. I went through cyclic acne, hot flashes, night sweats, depression, no libido, memory loss+intense brain fog, blurry vision/red itchy eyes/pain behind my eyes, weight gain, zero energy, headaches most daily and havent had a natural period in 2 years. I know the lymph nodes are full of the silicone because I have had mammograms, sonograms, diagnostics, biopsys, z rays soooo many test ran for so many symptoms I feel like a hypochondriac but you cant make this up! Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California#History. Bii left permanent damage to my face from it being stretched and inflamed for over a year. I had these replaced with saline, but can trace the inception of my symptoms to this period of time. 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