placing hands on chest in salah hadith

However, from Imam Maalik himself there are three different opinions reported: The madh-hab of Imam Abu Hanifah has one single opinion without contradictions - man should place his hands below the navel in prayer and the woman upon her chest. Imam Ibn Sad said: Kulayb is Siqah and is the narrator of many narrations. May Allah grant us understanding of our religion, and may He guide us all. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This narration is narrated without any chain. Ibn Maeen was born in 157 H, and Shubah bin al-Hajjaj died in 160 H. Meaning, this narration is rejected due to being Munqati. The real name of his father is Yazeed bin Qananah. An-Nasaaee = He was a Jurist and not strong in Hadeeth [Ad-Duafa: 252], 4. Al-Zayaa al-Maqdisi = He narrated a hadeeth from him in Al-Mukhtaarah (1/345 H. 237). Some narrations among them are repeated more than once, so we come to know that there are more than 45 narrations of Simaak in Saheeh Muslim. Under this chapter, Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has brought 708 Abwaab and 1469 ahadeeth, and in some of them he has shown his rejection, about whose authenticity he was not very sure, or his mentioned condition was not fulfilled by them. Tirmidhi = He has graded many of the narrations of Simaak to be Hassan Saheeh. Any of the students among the students, stayed with his Shaikh for a long time. Ibn al-Mubaarak said, we only reject those of his narrations which are narrated by his students at the end of his age. The Famous Muhadditheen such as: Yahya bin Saeed, and Abdur Rahmaan bin Mahdi are his Students. Therefore criticizm on the hadeeth of Sufyaan narrated from Simaak, is rejected. Abdullah bin Ahmed narrated that Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal said: I have not seen anyone like Yahya (bin Saeed) [Al-Illal: 846], Ibn Sad said: He is Siqah Mamoon [Al-Tabaqaat al-Kubra], Haafidh Dhahabi said: He is Al-Imam al-Kabeer, Ameer ul-Mumineen in Hadeeth. [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 53], Haafidh Ibn Hajar said: Siqah Muttaqan, Haafidh Imam. [Tahdheeb]. Muhammad bin Nasar al-Marwazi: If Muammal alone relates a certain narration then it becomes obligatory to pause and research the hadeeth as he had a bad memory and erred excessively [Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 10/381]. The wrist is the joint between the hand and forearm. Certainly, there are narrations present which strengthen this narration. In some of the wordings, there is no doubt of their authenticity. Adh-Dhahabi = He authenticated him in Talkhees ul-Mustadrak. [1/297]. See Al-Targheeb wa Tarheeb: 1/108 H. 150, 23. Some scholars have said that the memory of Simaak bin Harb got deteriorated at the end of his age. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) If it is placed in one part of zaraa, such as on the wrist, even then the order of placing them on the zaraa gets fulfilled. 22 2023 : . An-Nawawi said: " As for the Hadeeth of 'Ali that he said: "From the Sunnah in the prayer is placing the hands upon the hands under the navel", it is Dha'eef (weak) and that (opinion) is agreed upon. Imam Mizzi said: Imam Bukhaari has narrated from him as Istish-haad [Tahdheeb al-Kamaal: 18/527], Haafidh Muhammad Taahir al-Maqdasi has written regarding a narrator that: In fact He (Bukhari) has taken narrations from him in many places as Istish-haad to indicate that he is Siqah. Ibn Sayyid an-Naas = He authenticated a hadeeth containing Muammal [Sharh Tirmidhi Vol 2 Pg 211]. concenring it, is the hadeeth of Waail ibn Hujr who said that the Prophet From the above mentioned examples, it becomes clear that those muanan narrations of Mudalliseen which were affirmed of hearing, upon them Haafidh Ibn Khuzaymah gave the verdict of authenticity in the beginning. So the hadith is vague and not clarifying about tying hands on chest "DURING. [Al-Kifayah Pg 425], It is narrated that Sufyaan ath-Thawree once narrated a hadeeth in which he opposed Abul Ahwas, Zaaidah, Israeel, and Shareek, so Imam Yahya ibn Saeed al-Qattaan said: Even if there were four thousand like them, still Sufyaan is more Siqah than them. [Al-Nakat Ala Ibn as-Salaah: 2/779, 280]. The narrator whose tawtheeq gets proven, then the jarah of Majhool or La Yuraf are rejected. when standing after rising from bowing. It was narrated that Sahl ibn Sad said: The people were commanded to Ibn al-Madeeni = He is from the Major comapnions of Makhool, he got slightly confused before his death. Even though Abdur Rahmaan bin Mahdi has rejected this saying, but this an anuthentic saying, unless if there is not an issue of aformentioning, and a clear opposition. Now lets come and read about Simaak bin Harb and the reasearch on him. You can search for fatwa through many choices. 3267 . Verily this is the Heart.(Mishkaat (2/241), Then the heart is in proximity to the chest and is the abode of taqwaa as is mentioned in a hadeeth, The Prophet pointed towards his chest and said thrice, Taqwaa and protection are here.(Muslim (2/317) with Nawawee). PRAYER" at first place. His mentioning of the words is enough for the practicers of hadeeth. Does this hadeeth really contains Idtiraab in it? the hands are to be placed, it is on the chest. Other chains of this hadeeth are also present in Musnad Ahmed, Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan (5/170 # 1860), Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah (Vol 1 Pg 243 H. 479) and others. Hands on the chest during Salah.. Narrated by Tawus: The Messenger of Allah () used to place his right hand on his left hand, then he folded them strictly on his chest in prayer. One has a choice between placing and irsl. (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). when praying, the scholars are agreed that it is daeef (weak). This is worse for had he narrated these munkar ahadeeth from weak authorities we would have excused him. [Kitaab al-Marifat wal Taareekh: 3/52]. The criticizm of Ibn Hajar on this saying is very strange [Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 4/205]. How then can one stand in such a position in front of the King of all kings? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. This saying is not found in Kitaab al-Illal of Imam Ibn al-Madeeni and Kitaab ad-Duafa of Imam Nasaaee. * If this Jarah is from Sulemaan bin Harb then Yaqoob al-Faarsi is among the Admirers (Mothaqeen) of Muammal; and if this Jarah is from Yaqoob then Sulemaan bin Harb is among the Admirers (mothaqeen) of Muammal. Moreover see: Qawaid fi Uloom ul-Hadeeth: Pg 275 and others. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Al-Bazzaar = He is a Famous Person. 5. The teacher of Khateeb Baghdaadi, Qaadhi Abul Alaa al-Waasiti is included among the students of Abu Muslim Abdur Rehmaan bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Mihraan bin Salamah Al-Thiqah Al-Saalih [Taareekh Baghdaad: 10/299]. Ahmed bin Hanbal = He is Mudtarib ul-Hadeeth [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 4/279]. Some He grabbed his arms and put his right hand on his Translated and Compiled by: Raza Hassan 1) If placing the hands is not the Sunnah or against Sunnah then the first person not to be acting this should be your mother, daughter, wife, sister or any woman you know because all of them place their hands on the chest. That one places his hands below the chest but above the navel. And Allaah knows best. (Tuhfatu-l-Ahwadh bi Sharh Jmi Then, the Prophet wrapped his hands in his cloak and placed his right hand over his left hand. All rights reserved. [Please note that I already know that it is a weak hadith on account of the absence of a Companion in the chain; so you do not have to mention that.]. Proof 3) The Hadeeth of Qasbiya ibn Hulb from his father radhi Allahu anho. This proves that according to Thanvi, Muammal is Saheeh ul-Hadeeth or Hasan ul-Hadeeth according to Haafidh Ibn Hajar. Allamah Mahmood as-Subki, while eplaining this hadeeth, writes: According to some Imams, the Mursal hadeeth is Hujjah without any condition. The addition of Tahta Sirra (Under the Navel) at the end of this narration was first done by Qaasim bin Qatlubagha and he said that its chain is Jayyid. Muammal is not mentioned in the book of Imam Daraqutni Kitaab ad-Duafa wal Matrokeen. Meaning, According to Ibn Hibbaan himself, the jarah on him is Baatil and Mardood. I heard Sulaiman bin Harb praise him. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? : : ( :1 63 274), Narrated Maimoonah (radiallah anha) that: Water was placed for the ablution of Allahs Apostle after Janaba. What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? Narrated Tawus: The Messenger of Allah () used to place his right hand on his left hand, then he folded them strictly on his chest in prayer. @Medi1Shah yes. Muaddaleen (Admirers) and their Tadeel (Praise): 1. Firstly: This saying is Chain-less, Secondly: It is related to Ikhtilaat, the answer to which is coming ahead. In general, with regard to placing the right hand upon the left, it comes from the following narration: Qutaybah narrated to us; Ab al-Ahwas narrated to us; from Sammk bin Harb; from Qabsah bin Hulb; from his father [Hulb at-T] who said, The Messenger of Allaah (SAW) used to lead us in prayer and grasp his [1/284]. The hadth of Wil bin Hujr (RA) reported by ibn Ab Shaybah, Musannaf, from Wak; from Ms bin Umayr; from Alqama bin Wail bin Hujr; from his father who said, I saw the Prophet (SAW) placing his right hand over his left below Centering layers in OpenLayers v4 after layer loading. and said takbeer, then he bowed. [Kitaab al-Marifah wal Taareekh: 2/396, Chain Saheeh], 8. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 6 Pg 350], Imam Abu Dawood said that: Aasim bin Kulayb is better than the people of Koofah. narrated by Ahmad and Muslim from Waail ibn Hajar (may Allaah be pleased Yaqoob bin Sufyaan al-Faarsi: Muammal is a great sunni shaikh. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? 2. Copyright IslamWeb 2023. Meaning he recanted from his Jarah in Taqreeb at-Tahdheeb. Before him, many Hanafi scholars (Ibn Hummam Hanafi, Aynee Hanafi, Ibn Ameer al-Haaj Hanafi, Ibraheem Halbi Hanafi, and Saahib ul-Baher Hanafi) had presented several Daeef ahadeeth and athaar to stregnthen their Madhab on this issue, but none of them presented this hadeeth as their evidence, even though they had a deep eye on Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah. placing the folded hands on the middle of the chest while standing 2.) Shubah = Imam Yahya ibn Maeen said: Simaak bin Harb is Siqah and Shubah has weakened him [Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/215 T. 4792]. @Medi1Saif Imam Nimawi adds in his al T'aleeq al Hasan (1/145). Islam Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam. There are three reports from Imam Shafi'i: The different opinions are because it is reported by different sources from Imam Shafi'i. Proof 4) The hadeeth of Tawoos (rahimahullah). 3. 2) Taqreer-e-Tirmidhi written by Ashraf Ali thanvi deobandi, Published by Idaara Taleefaat-e-Ashrafyah, Multan reviewed by Mufti Justice Taqi Usmani deobandi. End quote. This method should be tried by the reader to see what happens and then the matter will become clear, if Allaah wills. (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Also, Ibn Nujaym Hanafee in Al-Bahr ar-Raqaaiq, Allaamah Abul Hasan al-Kabeer as-Sindhee in Fathul-Wadeed Sharh Abee Dawood, Aliaamah Muhammad Hayaat Sindhee in his Fathul-Ghafoor and Shaikh Abu Turaab Raashidullaah Shah Raashidee in his Darjud-Duroor have all stated this hadeeth to be authentic (saheeh). As for the hadeeth It is Sunnah to place one hand over the other beneath the navel when praying, the scholars agreed that it is Weak. This is one of the sunnahs of prayer, and is proven from the Prophet This narration of Sufyaan ath-Thawree is narrated in Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah with AN, but this narration will not become Daeef due to this defect, because such narrations of Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah are affirmed of having heard, as Imam Nawawi writes: The Muanan narrations of the Mudallis narrators from Saheeh Bukhaari, Muslim and the similar books like them, will be held affirmed of having heard. [Taqreeb an-Nawawi with the Sharh of Tadreeb ar-Raawi]. Allaamah Shaikh Sadee Sheyraazee has also mentioned similar reasoning in very eloquent poetry prose. Imam Muslim = He took narrations from him in his Saheeh. scholars are of the view that they should be placed on the chest, and this "place this hand on chest". a look at the authenticity of the narration from wa'il ibn hujr (ra) for placing the hands on the chest as in sahih ibn khuzayma. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, Therefore the narration of such a narrator is unacceptable. Simaak bin Harb narrated from him. of Allaah be upon him) and he placed his right hand over his left hand on His full name is Abu Abdullah Muammal bin Ismaeel Al-Qarshi Al-Udwi Al-Basri. Therefore the Jarah of a few Muhadditheen upon him is rejected. There is no his left hand, wrist and forearm. The Ahlu-Sunnah Wal Jamaah are agreed upon that all the Companions are incomparable in Adal and Thaqahat. Abu Haazim said: All I know is Up and rise to the top, not the answer to which is coming ahead Hibbaan himself, the of. 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