how to find pirate radio stations

What can the average person do? "One reason I've found as to why people are still using pirate radio is that these communities have very strong cultural and historic connections to radio," Goren explains. We have a call center, it's 888-CALL-FCC where we have staff there during business hours to take your complaint. If we are out there just gathering evidence for the first time our agents will go to the door, they will identify themselves with their badge. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Well that's what I went up with. It eventually regrouped and resurfaced as an internet station, which gave it a global reach. Jason Scott Archivist. If you click on "radio" you'll come to a page where you can input your address and your phone number and email and a description of like what, you know, what you are experiencing. What would that bill do differently? So if they don't meet the Part 15 requirements they need a license. You might need that sensitivity and an outdoor antenna to pull these relatively low-powered signals from the ether. Set up your Raspberry Pi You'll need to get Raspbian, the Linux-based operating system for the Raspberry Pi. And so these transmitters that they are purchasing and pirate stations are using do not go through the equipment process, the equipment authorization process, and that is a problem. This radio in a single case is also capable of re-broadcasting any audio source. Each issue also contains a CD of sound clips from various pirates, several articles about the state of pirate radio, and other relevant info. So that's why the licensing process is so important to avoid that interference. Right now it is $10,000 per day per occurrence. They don't know how to reach us? Total Views 29,203 (Older Stats) ITEMS. Among the most popular queries made by readers is, How can I find and hear pirate radio stations? To help answer this question, Im writing this primer. But so when we say Region One I think even most people in the FCC are not necessarily aware of how the country is carved up when it comes to enforcement and the field offices, et cetera, so can you give the listeners a brief sense of what do we mean by Region One, what areas do you cover? Not all the illegal stations are pirate stations! Across the country, FCC officials are working to identify and take action against unlicensed radio operators that illegally use the frequencies allocated for legitimate radio operators. But merely the act of purchasing this equipment is illegal and partly that's because it comes from overseas and it's not been tested by the FCC, correct? MR. SWARZTRAUBER: And then just out of those four offices you then have to dispatch agents to 20 different States, so it's quite a big chunk of the country in terms of population. MR. DOMBROWSKI: So the complainant needs to tell us where they hear the station. North American Pirate Radio Frequencies By far the most active ranges in North America are 43 meters (6800-7000 kHz), 46 meters (6200-6400 kHz) and 73 meters (4000-4200 kHz), with some activity in the 60 meter band (4700-5300 kHz) as well. PIRATE RADIO Once you remove the idea of pirate radio from its mythology, you. You know, when they do that they get a ticket number when they file the ticket online so the broadcasters can call us and find out, let us know that they filed the complaint and follow up with us. But just as the British government's stiff penalties didn't deter Radio Caroline, at least so far, the U.S. government's crackdown doesn't seem to have deterred the pirates. Thank you! MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Just because it's easy to buy it doesn't mean it's legal. 19. r/HamRadio. It will also help to have some sort of adjustable bandwidth filter (wide/narrow). MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So what is the current state of pirate radio? You can sign up for the newsletter by emailing any of their edittors: John Brewer ([emailprotected]), Ragnar Danskjold ([emailprotected]), Harold Frodge ([emailprotected]), Dave Turnick ([emailprotected]) or Larry Will ([emailprotected]), OK, I suppose I must also mention my own humble blog, where I continue to amass numerous pirate radio loggings and off-air recordings. Listening to pirate radio is perfectly legaland frequently an ear-opening experience. (Disclaimer). And so we need to make sure that we stop the importation of this equipment, we stop the marketing of these illegal transmitters. That doesn't prohibit somebody from filing an anonymous complaint, we still take those. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Oh, yes. Are people generally cooperative or are people just like I have no idea what you are talking, I have never seen anything, what is this, I don't want to deal with this? This article originally appeared in the February 2014 issue of The Spectrum Monitor Magazine. There is a studio somewhere. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Do the pilots only complain if it's a song that they don't like? Radio Caroline founder Ronan O'Rahilly had another claim to fame, in that he influenced actor George Lazenby to give up the role of James Bond after playing in just one film, "On Her Majesty's Secret Service," in 1969. If we can't get in touch with the property owner we try to use a locksmith and if we can't get the locksmith then the door comes breaking down and then we try to secure it before we leave. So, for example, if youre listening for North American pirates from Europe, youll need to plan accordingly. I used a pneumatic spud gun to launch an arborist's bag to deploy my 50' end fed antenna 40' up into a tree. Jason Scott Archivist. As Yoder goes on to explain in his introduction of the 2012 Pirate Radio Annual, pirates are often confused with radio bootleggers (who conduct unlicensed two-way conversations), clandestine stations (usually political stations), and jammers (who intentionally try to block broadcasts). MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes, so you have options. He anchored the ship in international waters in the North Sea, just off Frinton, Essex, and hired a crew of DJs to play music around the clock at the time, a revolutionary concept. Ex-Beatle George Harrison was sufficiently appreciative of Radio Caroline's mission that he even wrote a sizable check in the early 1970s to help keep the ship in operation, according to Ray Clark's book "Radio Caroline: The True Story of the Ship That Rocked.". Its much better, of course, if you have a table-top receiver, software-defined radio, or ham radio transceiver with a general coverage receiver hooked up to a resonant outdoor antennaespecially if you live outside Europe and North America. It's about $200,000 worth of equipment. These guys aren't blowing off their listeners like the other radio stations. So that is quite a large area. So hopefully that's enough for them to get the station taken down and maybe share some information about who the real operator is. Ads are what helps us bring you premium content! MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes. Well, I can't say exactly what it is, but, yes, they're --. Note:Even though it is illegal to broadcast on the shortwave bands without a license, and those who do so are subject to hefty fines, it is not illegal to listen or to send and receive QSL cards from such operators. Airchecks from unauthorized broadcast radio stations throughout the years. Has it gotten worse, has it gotten better? Tribute to Pirate Radio, KQLZ 100.3 FM Los Angeles. Evan is joined by David Dombrowski, Regional Director for Region One in the FCC Enforcement Bureau. This is likely due to the early sunsets and cold winter nights of the northern hemisphere that tend to keep people indoors, which in turn encourages pirates to hit the air. If you have information about a pirate radio station, you can notify the FCC by calling 888-CALLFCC or filing a complaint online at One of the FCC's top enforcement priorities is cracking down on pirates. "He was waiting several months to come back on the air (and therefore was only willing to speak off the record to me). The antenna is not where the people are necessarily or where the rest of the equipment is. Give us a little of your background. Though Channel Z was broadcasting in AM, as many do, its best to hunt pirates with an SSB-capable portable. Sweet! The Pirates flagship radio station, SportsRadio 93.7 THE FAN, will air extended local pre-game and post-game coverage before and after every broadcast. But the easiest way to file a complaint is go online. Revealing the. March 13 2022 . "To enforce the law and protect American radio listeners and lawful businesses, the Federal Communications Commission has made a concerted effort in recent years to step up our enforcement efforts against pirate radio stations.". And so he kind of gets shielded, right, you know the operators who are operating the station because they advertise their phone numbers in social media and so we can easily identify them, but you always have somebody that's the money guy that's safely hiding behind all these other staff and --. So it's not the -- In terms of size wise for mileage it's the smallest region, but it's the most populated. Tracking a Pirate Radio Station The Modern Rogue Discovering Secret "Numbers Stations" The Modern Rogue Detecting a Wire and Hidden Spy Cams The Most Notorious TV Hijack of All Time Rodney P -. In some cases, radio stations are considered legal where the signal is transmitted, but illegal where the signals are receivedespecially when the signals cross a national boundary. MR. DOMBROWSKI: And so that's not practical for somebody that wants to operate a radio station to cover an entire community. To have a radio station here helps to establish the station's operator as an important source of information and influence in the community.". Borderhunter Radio is one of the strongest Euro Pirates Ive ever heard. These include Amateur Radio Newsline, a weekly audio news [] This means that by clicking on these links, a small percentage of the purchase price for goods you purchase from these sellers will help support our sites running costs. After that we just destroy it through an electronics recycler. Back when KIWI was on the air regularly in the 90s, I assumed that pirate radio would explode in Oceania and Asia. MR. DOMBROWSKI: So you could cause like a catastrophe if we, you know, let this continue. A lot of times you can tell by the audio quality. 1. Airchecks from unauthorized broadcast radio stations throughout the years. My most recent logging of a Euro pirate from North America was Radio Borderhunter on 15,500 kHz; his signal was quite amazing. In the U.S. the most famous example of a Pirate Radio station was Mexico's XERF. Most are run by hobbyists purely for fun, although some have political or other agendas. Additionally, you can always tune a remote receiver, via the Internet on the Global Tuners website, or via the University of Twentes SDR in the Netherlands. Now stop your Googling right now because that is illegal, right? Hover over one of the three pirate radio neighborhood zones (the center zone has the most stations) and click for a list of stations that broadcast to those areas. Pirate radio or a pirate radio station is a radio station that broadcasts without a valid license. So the avenues of working with the district attorneys is a great way to get the injunctions, the court orders, for the pirate station to cease operating permanently. Ive noticed increased pirate radio activity during the winter months, as well. Do we have a right under the first amendment to speak via a radio station even if it is unlicensed by the FCC and is there potentially a case that can kind of exemplify why pirate radio is not protected under the First Amendment? Pirate cards are among the most unusual of QSL cards, that often incorporate obscure or vintage imageryhumor, horror, or other graphic oddityor cast the pirate in a unique character representation. So --. Once you get a license it restricts you where you can operate, how much power you can use, what antenna you can use, and how high your antenna is. "I spoke with a pastor of a church in the community which had a station and the antenna was taken down by the FCC," Goren says. It was a three bay antenna for any of the those tech-y's out there, so it was a high efficient antenna and a very high powered transmitter. Let's say they are listening, they think something is suspicious they get a tip, they see something weird in their building, what can they do to help you and the FCC tackle this problem? While you can hear some on weekdays, your best bet is Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, local time. MR. DOMBROWSKI: So all that good equipment just gets recycled. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: My guest has been David Dombrowski, Regional Director for Region One in the FCC Enforcement Bureau. Gimme Radio (for online listeners) Gimme Radio is one of the more modern American rock radio stations available today. Tribute to Pirate Radio, KQLZ 100.3 FM Los Angeles. But they also encroach on those legitimate stations that made significant investments and secured the necessary regulatory approvals to obtain a license. Across the country FCC officials are working to identify and take action against illegal unlicensed radio operators using frequencies allocated for legitimate radio operators that are causing interference and other issues. And it was good media coverage, too. Radio 510 International - European relay station broadcasting every weekend on short-wave to all of Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East on 13840 kHz. The original 60s pirate station, playing fresh pop / rock music to Britain's young masses from a boat in the North Sea, floating in international waters four and a half miles off the Essex coastline. They lose advertisers because of it, they lose coverage area because of it, and it all comes down to dollars and cents. I decoded this Wolverine Radio SSTV QSL on the SSTV iOS App. He then obtained another ship, a German trawler called the Ross Revenge, which continued to host the station until it ran aground along the British coast in 1991. Again, they are not law enforcement, so we don't have weapons. Note: This podcast was recorded on June 21st. The plot is based loosely on the saga of an actual former pirate station, Radio Caroline, that was founded by an offbeat Irish entrepreneur named Ronan O'Rahilly, the inspiration for the character portrayed by Bill Nighy. If they have some skin in the game, an operator or a landlord or a property owner that let somebody put a station up on their rooftop, you know, it's illegal for them to have that station there. Even then, though, Radio Caroline wouldn't go away. * Explains how to buy and use equipment to listen to pirate stations. They are not advertising. Sometimes we find stations that just access the rooftops without anybody knowing and put the transmitter kind of hidden in a wall somewhere or a crevice and the antenna on the roof and remain anonymous for months without anybody knowing that the station is there. And they also would be able to contact us and find out where the complaint is in the queue and, you know, what's going on with the complaint and have we investigated it yet. It could be harmful if we let a pirate radio station operate because sometimes they cause interference to other services, like aeronautical communications. So when the FCC licenses FM stations those stations are generally not going to interfere with aeronautical operations because we make sure that they are not. The FRW is an email-only newsletter devoted to the hobby of pirate radio listening, and is distributed free to those who contribute. This book makes it easier for you to locate and tune in pirate stationsand tells you all about the unlicensed broadcasters who play David to broadcasting conglomerates' Goliath. Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. He was out of Berkeley, California, and his station was called Radio Free Berkeley. An excellent and active pirate radio forum hosted by Chris Smolinski. In the quieter winter months, stations seem to pop out of the ether. That would be not a good practice. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So let's say that either a broadcaster or a listener files a complaint, what happens then, what tools do you, your colleagues in the FCC, have to go about finding a station, shutting it down, bringing people to justice? Now that maybe gets us down to the building, you know, where it might be operating. MR. DOMBROWSKI: No, and some of these are in high crime areas where there is a lot of drugs. * Shows you how to find pirate stations on your AM/FM, shortwave, and online radios. But the interesting thing about this was that it was operated by a group of people who considered themselves Moors, which are indigenous people of the United States who were here before the United States was colonized. The U.S. KQLZ Pirate Radio stormed the Southern California airwaves in 1989, and listeners "flushed" their former stations as they. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So everyone can now breathe a deep a sigh of relief, you are not going to have to go out and get a license for your security camera and you garage door opener. ACTIVITY. It would create chaos if we allowed them. "Pirate radio continues to exist in the internet age for a variety of reasons," John Nathan Anderson, a broadcasting scholar and author who is working on a book about pirate radio, explains via email. The library's newest additions include deep historical resources and contemporary reporting about the world of radio. tyson jost dad; sean penn parkinson's disease; mockingbirds attacking my cat Speaking for myself, Im passionate about pirate radio listening because it combines my listening/technical skills, my appetite for highly unique content, and for building a collection of quirky QSL cards. I asked him why he would still take the risk to go back on air and he said he wanted to reach the homeless, the shut-ins, the elderly who couldn't access the internet.". "Pirate Radio" is a period piece, set in a time when the Rolling Stones' "Let's Spend the Night Together" and the Who's "My Generation" were still scandalous and controversial rather than nostalgic anthems for today's aging baby boomers. MR. DOMBROWSKI: No, not the public face, but he's all the behind the scenes guy. Most pirates transmit using SSB with modern ham radio equipment, others use AM utilizing vintage or homebrew equipment. Hobby Broadcasting Blog: Unlike major broadcasters, many pirates dont stick to AM as a preferred mode. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: There is not a sign on the box that says illegal pirate radio transmitters. You know, there was a glowing article in a certain New York publication that at least one FCC commissioner was irked by because it seemed to be kind of glorifying this underground practice and making it seem like some interesting thing, but you really got to keep in mind not just the radio stations that are interfered with, but emergency communications. It will also help to have some sort of adjustable bandwidth filter (wide/narrow). March 13 2022 . A new, raw, grassroots kind of pirate radio exploded from 1992 onwards. We hope you understand, and are grateful for your support. The SWLing Post now participates in two affiliate advertising programs with two large retailers that still sell shortwave radios, the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and the eBay Partnership, designed to provide a means for sites like ours to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to these retailers of radio products. The HF Underground: We have pirate radio there, too, not as bad as we did in New York. Revealing the history of pirate radio from 1925 to today, author Andrew Yoder, pirate radio aficionado and long-time writer on radio, electronics, and audio subjects:. And when KIWI went silent, that was it. 123. And an overall limit of $2 million. Marshal Service actually and that allows us to go in with the U.S. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, if it's imported. 2 talking about this. Now this is not just a focus of the FCC, Congress is also interested in this. And another thing, also, we would have to direct our attention annually to five markets that are most affected by pirates and we would do some step-up enforcement. I was glad to be here, it was a great opportunity. The British government, though, didn't appreciate what Radio Caroline and other pirate broadcasters were doing. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: All right. There is always a building manager they call the supra and he has a shop down in the basement and a lot of times we find the equipment down in his shop. Collection Info. MR. DOMBROWSKI: There is a variety of pirate radio stations out there. But what hast made the problem really expand is the equipment is readily available with the internet now. So, the F. Launched just five months ago, Internet Archive's Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications has expanded to more than 61,000 items related to amateur radio, shortwave listening, and related communications. Yes, so it's kind of like a cascade of options --. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Hometown. Pirate radio stations are unlicensed broadcasters. It has a radio receiver in it, it has a computer screen with a map, and it has a little compass rose that tells us what direction the signal is coming from. Enter the dawn of pirate radio. To track pirates, youll need a radio with both AM and SSB modes. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Welcome to "More Than 7 Dirty Words," the official FCC podcast. Note: This podcast was recorded on June 21st. 14 July 2020. It lasted three years there and then I had an opportunity to get to the Philadelphia Office Enforcement Bureau with the field work and that's been -- I was there for 20 years. And they come -- I've worked with them when they have bulletproof vests on and automatic weapons. Alan Roes Music Programmes on Shortwave, List of QRP General Coverage Amateur Radio Transceivers, List of VHF/UHF Multimode Amateur Radio Transceivers, How To Tune In Pirate Radio Broadcasts on Shortwave,, LRA 36 (Arcangel San Gabriel, Antarctica) Test Broadcasts on March 1st and 4th, 2023, Radio Waves: AM Buzzkill, AM FEMA Push, AM Devitalization, and RFI-Blocking Chips, Bob Zanottis presentation to the Fairlawn Amateur Radio Club (Part 2), Radio Waves: The DLARC, NASA Citizen Science, PopShopRadio DRM to Europe, Hackers Disrupt Russian Radio, and Afghan Radio Closures, LRA 36 (Arcangel San Gabriel, Antarctica) Test Broadcast Today at 20:00 UTC. MR. DOMBROWSKI: So we have fines that we could issue. In January, President Donald Trump signed into law the Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement (PIRATE) Act, which gives regulators the ability to hit pirate stations with fines of up to $2 million, according to this summary from Radio World. And then he had, you know, he was on the internet. Use promo code ROGUE to get a shot at MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in total prizes! "Private radio was prohibited and only the British Broadcasting Corporation, which was part of the political establishment, sent radio to the British people with the remit to be morally uplifting, informative and educational," Moore says. More areas, more just the urban areas. Marshal Service and seize all of the equipment that is associated with the operation of a radio station, really anything physically connected to the transmitter. Radio and electronics were my hobbies. Last updated: December 2022 MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Got you. But sometimes it is very difficult with those stations that have put more investment into the equipment. Though pirates can be located anywhere on the planet, and therefore can broadcast, hypothetically, anywhere on the radio dial, patterns are actually fairly predictable in order to draw a listening audience. If you live in a geographic hotbed of pirate activity (again, eastern/central North America and Europe) you might find a portable radio ample for hearing a number of pirates. They use either the internet or a wireless source to get the signal back to the transmitter. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, we have a lot of stations in New York, in particular. "He created Radio Caroline operating in that way and the station was at once called a 'pirate,'" Moore says. Now, of course, my favorite thing that I want to ask you is what are some fun examples, maybe not fun, but interesting examples of cases that you have closed where maybe the circumstances were a bit bizarre or interesting that might help a listener understand just how weird some of this stuff can get and just how interesting some of these operations can be. VIEWS. We get them in Virginia, we get them out in Illinois, even just remote areas of West Virginia they pop up. When do you hear the station? This includes the FM, AM and shortwave radio bands. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes. I started as a field agent doing inspections and doing pirate radio enforcement was one of my jobs and then I moved into a senior agent position and then eventually the District Director, which the manager of the Philadelphia office. MR. DOMBROWSKI: So some States have laws on the book that prohibit pirate radio operation, States like New Jersey and New York and Florida. So we eventually went to the courts and fought. PROMAX designs several monitoring and spectrum surveillance systems. Since FM radio is broadcast as a mono signal, with a left-minus-right signal sent alongside, they can make a two-channel stereo station by recreating the stereo pilot carrier and then adding in. Are we talking about U.S. marshals with machine guns kicking in doors, are we talking about politely knocking on a door and saying, hey, guys, your time is up, we found you, you know, what's the image that essentially you see when this goes down in your experience or is there kind of a spectrum of different cases, some are a little bit more intense than others? URL Here: entertainment purposes only. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, just 20. VIEWS. It was the strongest pirate station I have ever witnessed. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So don't bother looking for it. These pirate stations pose a host of problems for public safety, including interference with emergency alerts and air traffic control. And that's a pretty big deterrent when you show up with police officers threatening to arrest somebody because they are operating a pirate radio station. I received this QSL from the amazing Radio Ronin Shortwave shortly before he received the knock from the FCC and stopped transmitting. I know out on the West Coast in California we have more significant numbers than other areas, so that probably would be one of the five markets identified, maybe the L.A. area would probably be another market that we would look at. And so it ranges from Maine down to Virginia and all the States east of Missouri, Iowa, and Minnesota. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Pirate radio. Yes, they come with weapons. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Right. Has that happened? Listening to Other Stations: Click on the tuning arrows ( TUNE >) to listen to stations up and down the dial. Buy me a coffee: Email: Instagram: Facebook:. Unlicensed radio broadcasters have been around practically since governments started trying to control and regulate the airwaves. The Who actually paid homage to Radio Caroline and other offshore broadcasters by parodying them on their 1967 concept album "The Who Sell Out," as music historian John Atkins has written. So we try to shut down, you know, that equipment coming in to the purchasers. 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