darlie routier dna results 2021

In an interview with Darlie's current attorney, Stephen Cooper, he was asked what he thought about the Darlie supporters that contact his office with supposed "new theories." They prefer to absorb information in a "pre-digested" form by reading and quoting the work of others. When this happened I thought she was guilty but my brother died suddenly in 2002, it wasn't a brutal murder and he was 24 but he was a healthy in shape man with absolutely nothing wrong him who went to work at 8:00 on a Wednesday morning and was dead by 10:00 that morning with no warning at all. I think I may have read some of your comments on Jackie Linley's work on this very case. ", Some Darlie supporters have tried to blame the Rowlett 911 dispatcher (Doris Trammell) for Damon's death due to not giving Darlie first aide instructions over the phone. So, on the witness stand, most likely under the advice of counsel. (based on watching home movies of Darlie on YouTube) Though not required for a conviction, an established motive can certainly be the decision maker. U.S. District Judge Fred Biery recently named Jeremy Schepers of the federal public defenders Capital Habeas Corpus Unit for the Northern District of Texas as Schmidts replacement. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on April 01, 2018: Thanks for your comments Fedematias95, The source of the information on the brush and screen fibers came from a 60 minutes interview with Det. Cron was now doing consulting work for other law enforcement agencies in the Dallas area. Koschak testified that after assessing Devon and noticing that he was obviously dead, he went over to Darlie in the kitchen to look at her neck. On the 1998 Leeza Gibbons show, Darin's mother, Sarilda Routier, claimed he failed it because he hadn't eaten and all he had was a Dr. Pepper that day. My sister obviously intrigued by the current ABC series, will get so caught up in the thrill of it as we all do. Auffllig ist fr mich die Tatsache da niergendwo Spuren eines Eindringlins gefunden worden sind. The paramedics "staged" or waited outside the front door waiting for the officers to secure the scene and tell them it was safe to enter. But as you say: "This "time frame" as it's called, didn't begin until the moment Darlie dialed 911. She's in Canada and that last comment originated in the Philadelphia area. When asked what Damon and Devon would be doing when this occurred, Allison stated either playing in the water fountain in the front yard, or running up and down the street. Obviously placed there after the fact. In order to rule out Darin Routier as a suspect, Pardo talked him into taking a polygraph examination. She initially claimed that she was the . Alle Beweise deuten auf Darlie Routier und niemanden hin. It was a railroad job from the minute Cron walked into the crime scene. We were in no way excited we were still struggling to find a new normal in our lives. She was even taking depression meds prescribed by her physician. Blood discovered on the inside of the cabinet doors where it had run down from the sink proved to be Darlies. Interestingly, of the cuts Darlie had on her, the two areas she was most proud of, her face and her breasts, were uninjured. Darlie had obviously lied about placing a towel on Damon. All she had going was the fact that she was a semi pretty white woman with a big chest and everybody knows those women never kill. Only he made one mistake - he killed the kids first instead of killing Darlie first. While discussing the case on Quora with a seemingly intelligent fellow (good spelling, grammar, superficially adequate knowledge of the case), I brought up the bread knife with the microscopic fibers that match the garage window screen. May 8, 2019. When investigators went to Darin's place of business with a search warrant, the building and offices were unoccupied and it appeared it had been closed for some time. Darlie's eldest son, Devon, had already died from four knife wounds. I don't think nightmare is kezzy. darlin can sleep through attack on sons but cant sleep through a baby tossing? She wrote five letters including one to her neighbor and friend Karen Neal, and to her Aunt Sandy. Darlie Routier. I'll get five-thousand dollars each for both of the boys.". There was blood everywhere; around them seeping into the carpet, on the walls and all over the kitchen floor. Here is a perfect example of inaccurate, or most likely intentionally made-up information about the necklace and surgery direct from the Darlie support site "fordarlieroutier.org." November 2017 Routiers lawyer filed for and was granted moreMORE DNA testing. So I send the link to my lil sis whom would have spent the next year and accasionally forever watching YouTube vids. Darin Routier was thoroughly investigated from the git-go. Get that you fuking imbeciles??? Prosecutor: Okay. He said that money wasn't a problem with the family, and even if they were in trouble, a poor financial situation would not have been a motive for Darlie to kill the children. That FBI guy is working on it. It's not outright lying per se, it's more like just not providing all the information in its entirety. (which she conveniently neglected to tell investigators about). Tonight we share a cig between our homes with our babies safe inside. Darin Routier, Darlie's husband was called to testify and also asked about the towels that Darlie stated she placed on Damon's back. On July 3, 1996 a few weeks after Darlie's arrest, a pre-custody hearing for Drake was held in Dallas TX. After the birth of their third one, Drake, Darlie began to suffer from post-partum depression. Come on lol. Fuckery alert! Note - the author added the placement of Darlie, Devon and Damon to this map along with references for orientation of the 1st floor. It might help make your comments readable. Supporters like to say she was convicted on circumstantial evidence. A Tragedy of Errors. this blog put me ahead of the show with the details. Darlie Routier was convicted and sentenced to die for fatally stabbing her 5-year-old son, Damon, in June 1996. There was some trace blood found on a sign leaning on a box just inside the garage but it was ruled out as to being connected to the crime scene. Routier's Dallas Attorney, Stephen Cooper, says the group has a reputation for only taking If she were striking out or defending herself with her arms how did she not get cut by the knife? Darlie Routier, now 50, has spent the last 23 years on death row after being convicted of the murder of one . experiences such sadness, denial and pain, I could scream from the bottom of my soul. Luminol binds to the copper in blood. Most members of this second group get the most hateful when challenged to provide a credible source to backup a statement they've made that they're trying to pass as fact. So, if money was the motive, they said, why did she leave Darin unharmed, who had an $800,000 insurance policy? I read so much online about how she's innocent. Having read the hub twice, I think a third person in the house at the time of the murders is not so far fetched. So you got the towels? The supposed defensive bruise under Darlie's right arm that was not seen by one doctor or nurse in the hospital. Apart from marking her as greedy and uncaring, they also highlighted that she could not give a clear description of the intruder, and nothing was stolen from her home, raising the question of if he really existed. (which she may have planned to do) And, if that were Darins intent, or motive, (insurance money) why didnt he kill her? SClemmons- "It is all in how you tell your story.just tell the story right". Mr Samford said that the prosecution hadn't explained the evidence in the detail that they had and he recanted his feelings on Darlie being innocent. Darlie Routier's defense team had a copy of the entire tape made at the cemetery in their possession. Hi Folks.I must confess, It took me L O N G time & volumes of reading and even more soul-searching to finally arrive at accepting that Darlie is guilty. Ive heard claims about DNA, and they dont back those claims up. Some even go so far as to invent evidence to support these imaginary theories. (Since removed by new owners) It was tested by forensic investigators to see if there were any "blind" spots in the back yard and if someone could have come through or exited the back door or garage window without triggering it; none were found. The federal court judge has not yet ruled on the recent DNA results." If the judge denies further motions from Darlie Routier's attorney, then that court will go ahead and set a date for execution." "Even if by some remote chance, Darlie won an appeal, was granted a new trial for Damon's murder, and acquitted, the District Attorney While moving from one home to another, her 2-year-old daughter, Mariah, died. Did they have friends or family that were Satanists. I shouldn't have picked it up. Darlie told investigators that she and the boys had decided to sleep in the family room with the boys on the floor and her on the couch watching TV (As later discovered she had done for several nights before the murders) while Darin and baby Drake slept upstairs in the bedroom. I'm a little bit disappointed that they didn't deal with the evidence, and focused mainly on the silly string video, and on saying that the video was what convicted her (which isn't true). I do recall the defense tried to make an issue out of the photo marked states exhibit 38B (I think) which shows what appears to be a possible transfer print of some type that was presumed to have come from officer Wadell's boot as he went around the kitchen and started to enter the garage. (Averages about 3 per year), Source: FBI Stats Data, Dallas News, USA Today, Plano Star Courier, San Antonio Express-News, Amarillo Globe-News. That entire process could take 5 minutes maybe less. There also appeared to be wiped up blood smears on the water faucet and the sprayer as well. Menu Bevel and Linch are two con artists, just read the transcripts (I doubt you actually did). I also think there may have been a bit of a language barrier problem there. Dr. Santos: Yes. The Luminol indicated there had been a significant amount of blood there which had been obviously wiped up. Above: Crime scene tape around the Routier home in upscale Rowlett, Texas, the morning after the murders. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on April 01, 2018: A very strange case, that does not make sense. A white sock, presumed to have belonged to Darin was found 75 yards away down an alley next to a garbage can. Darlie Routier told a detailed story about a man that broke into her home and stabbed her sons to death. One of them is that of Darlie Lynn Routier, who has spent the last 24 years on death row after being convicted of the 1996 murder of one of her sons while being accused of killing the other. On June 28, Darlie Routier was officially indicted by a Dallas County grand jury on two counts of capital murder. If Darlie Routier had been a man instead of a woman, this case would have simply faded into obscurity and no one would have challenged the jury's decision. Darin told a next door neighbor he was shook up and asked him if would drive him to the hospital. Two additional stains were discovered on the left shoulder of the nightshirt shirt labeled LS1 and LS3. Then in court on the stand the whole story changes again, she testified "He was gone, I walked through the kitchen and saw the knife lying on the floor. Most of towels were scattered around a good distance from the boys. I have to agree with author Don Davis' conclusions of the trial. They say the judge slept through the trial, that certain defense witnesses weren't allowed to testify, and the transcript errors were responsible for determining the outcome. What Darlie told police investigators and the prosecutors in court simply did not match the crime scene. He's seems like pretty cool cucumber as well as calculating, so who knows. On the other hand, the defense argued that Darlies sons policies totaled only $10,000. I got the towels and I went to the sink and I got the towels wet. When police arrived, Darlie showed them where she had placed it on the counter top. Mrs. Routier has been charged with two counts of Capital Murder stemming from the stabbing deaths of her sons Damon (age 5) and Devon (age 6) This arrest is the result of the most intensive and exhaustive investigation ever conducted by the Rowlett Police Department. I grabbed the phone and called 911. Did you hear him bark the night of the attack? Darlie paused, then calmly replied, Come to think of it, no, he didnt. (p.121). Or was that fact not worth considering. Another point about the "Mother vs. Texas" episode is that one of the jurors, Charlie Samford, is interviewed. We have two months to work on it. There was no fiberglass rod on the breadknife. Officer Wade testified that he wouldn't even let the Rowlett Chief of Police (Randall Posey) in the house during the initial investigation. Why would he just slash at an adult who could fight back better than a child? It's part of an all-out push by the Innocence Project to . While gathering evidence in the kitchen, Sgt. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 22, 2018: Career Criminal, thank you for your comments, opposing opinions and thoughts are always welcome. Nothing beats the Darlie-was-drugged theory for me. He tried to kill me. And, fourth, upon finding (and possibly awakening) a mother and two children in a house you only intended to burgle, anyone bent on violence would kill the mother first. 7:41 PM on Nov 12, 2018 CST. Home > Uncategorized > darlie routier dna results 2021. darlie routier dna results 2021. LS1 had a downward trajectory. When looking at photos and video, the children are smiling and seem to be having a good time. Den Beweisen nach hat Sie es getan. The Routier family is not bound by any of that. And after you got the 3 towels wet, did you take those to Darin? This suggests that the towel either got moved accidentally by investigators (which is highly unlikely) or it got placed there by someone (possibly Darin?) I'm by no means defending anyone here, but I do know its difficult to discuss a murder case involving children without emotions coming into play. It's their right to have an opinion and they should be allowed the time and respect to be heard. I do continue to maintain that Darin had some involvement. Darlie supporters will try to make you think she fought for her life with what doctors described as a "superficial laceration.". Routier, 48, was convicted of . After cutting the screen in the garage window, Darlie put the knife back in the block. Interestingly, none of these "wet" towels were seen, recovered, or photographed when police and EMS arrived at the house 3 minutes after the 911 call. There was one physician, Dr. Santos conducting the procedure accompanied by a resident (doctor in training) who was observing. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on October 26, 2017: Hi Jen and thank you! It is beyond frustrating. 6)not sure if blood on kitchen flood is only darlins. The Defense tried to get her to change her account to the intruder was on Darlies legs, but Mercedes refused to change her story, after which she was dropped from testifying. I know this. Do you know anything about this? Apparently CNN filmed several episodes simultaneously. Mercedes stated that Darlie just walked right in the door like she had left there that morning and shouted, "Look at this f**king mess! In an attempt to show Darlie's character, Greg Davis subpoenaed Kay Norris, an employee from a local pawn that Darlie frequented to purchase jewelry. As of 2021, the results of these tests are still pending.Routier's case has been the subject of multiple books and television shows. This blood turned out be a combination of Damon's and Darlie's blood. There were no stab marks, punctures, slashes or cast off blood of any kind discovered on the couch where Darlie claimed the knife attack took place. Murderer Theories Ranging from Darin Routier to a Rowlett Police Officer. Just can't understand the hate in these comments. There was blood all over the carpet around the boys and all over the kitchen floor. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on March 21, 2018: It's interesting how Pollyannalana on her Hub keeps saying that the late NBC Night Nightly News corespondent Jessica Savitch (She spells as Jessica Savage) felt that Darlie Routier was innocent. 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