8 steps of cult indoctrination

A charismatic leader, who increasingly becomes an object of worship as the general principles that may have originally sustained the group lose power. I felt his body in my body, the same gangly awkwardness, the same hiked-up shoulder, the same thoracic kyphosis when he sat in meditation. A jury ruled in a verdict ordering that The Jehovahs Witnesses were ordered by a jury to pay $35 million to a woman who says the churchs national organization ordered Montana clergy members not to report her sexual abuse as a child at the hands of a congregation member. If this is the case, then its yet another warning sign of being controlled by a cult. THANK YOU!!! Brainwashing:: Cult leaders are known to repeat various lies and distortions until members find it difficult to distinguish between reality and cult life. This is where trauma enters. is apt to be relegated to the bad and the impure. It was like he was me, but perfected in this way that I imagined. Those in power distribute rewards for "good" behavior and . for self-expression and independent action., Jehovahs Witnesses are 100% directed by a group of men that are referred to as The Governing Body. A new book has added fresh insight into Megxit. You arent alone, See Images By Americas First War Photographer. So why arent any neutrinos slow? The most basic feature of the thought reform environmentis the control of human communication. Please take a minute and read about this on nbcnews.com. In the next section, we'll take a look at what it's like to live within the confines of a destructive cult. No question has been uttered more often in regards to cults. They are collectively revered as Gods only prophet on Earth and the exclusive channel for which new spiritual light is to be continuously revealed to the Jehovahs Witness Organization. Shame anyone who questions; shun any who leave. The leader may offer occasional gifts and special privileges to encourage continued submission. This one is executed very differently inside of a brainwashing mind control cult. Youll end up believing in those beliefs and acting accordingly without having any doubt whatsoever. If neutrinos have mass, where are all the slow ones? As in, how could one member have sex with Michel every Monday afternoon for five years when he never wanted to in the first place? For that, we can follow a convenient eight step process. Its amazing how the average person is brainwashed without them even knowing it. An analysis of Dr Arthur J. Deikman's book on cult behavior 8. Remski does not like the question as it focuses on the potential psychological flaws or moral failures of the initiate. Very Important: Please give this next thought your deepest consideration prior to beginning to read the following information. There were so many scars to heal, too many insecurities to face. In the social sciences, internalization means that the individual accepts a groups values and norms. Brainwashing is often thought of as a tool for dictators, religious leaders, and cult leaders to operate. Your beliefs are not yours and you cannot change them. But most psychologists believe that cult brainwashing techniques, which are similar to techniques used in prisoner interrogation, do change a person's thought processes. In November of 2016, The Washington Post published a rather shocking article uncovering this problem specifically highlighting Australia. Bringing all of this back to my mind has currently silenced me on the subject. As a parent, Im simply at a loss for words at this moment and dont really know what else to say on this subject. But even with good intentions, if a group or organization that you belong to is made up of the following defined criteria, then it is absolutely using brainwashing mind control techniques to indoctrinate you. way that these will appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the Because your behavior might not be completely under your control. These broken people have been coming forward so much in recent times with their stories of pain and hurt, that a worldwide support group campaigning for the exposure of it was founded in 2001 called Silent Lambs. Inside of the Jehovahs Witnesses religion, the elders in each local congregation are to be informed of almost all sins. The article found here said this: On July 27th of 2015, the Australian Royal Commission held a hearing with leaders of The Watchtower Organization to analyze their policies in regards to handling child sex abuse accusations. In the Jehovahs Witness religion, there is an absolutely unrelenting control of every single piece of information that the followers have access to. purpose is considered to be stimulated by a lower purpose, to be backward, January 14, 2022, 7:15 pm. Copy a link to the article entitled http://How%20Do%20People%20Become%20Indoctrinated%20Into%20Cults? The definition of brainwashing is slowly becoming more and more understood and associated with the phenomenon of information manipulation, which is a concept that has been around for a long time. Do you consider yourself rational? 4 "Cults Insist On Reprogramming The Way People See The World." Cults insist they are the only ones that know the truthabout society. Youre part of a group thats special, destined, blessedyou feel complete. In this way, there is no chance for a "reality check" or validation of a new member's concerns regarding the group. Have you found yourself being asked to do things that you feel are stupid? They've abandoned comfortable lives to live self-sufficiently in harsh conditions, revering their teacher. Doctor Lifton decoded the tactics that were used by the Chinese to completely reform a persons thoughts, practically changing who the person was so drastically that they became unrecognizable to who they used to be. The immediate hurdle is recognizing youve been indoctrinated. Or do they disagree with what they read in your favorite news source? Codifying Consent w/Joyce Short & Nina Lucas. Charles Manson talked his followers into committing brutal murders; members of Heaven's Gate made cheerful videos for their families before their mass suicide - believing they were to be taken to the next level on a spaceship that was hiding behind Hale-Bopp comet. At the time of this writing, Doctor Lifton is still alive and well. We have not. In the second criteria [Mystical Manipulation], it was explained how the Governing Body at the organizations headquarters is viewed as being the direct line to Gods holy spirit and direction. Er, sorry, feminism is not a cult. In Scientology, this is accomplished through a rigorous process of indoctrination through written and tape-recorded materials. Now you know that some people might try to convince you that what theyre saying is true for your own good. They reminded him of his Catholic upbringing, one filled with violence and abuse, yet, as he says of Roach, represented a demilitarized, more feminine version of the robes of my childhood. Early repression in church left Remski hollow, vacant, setting him up for indoctrination under Roachs care. People are indoctrinated every day in all sorts of ways. The control Jones held is far from unique among the leaders of destructive cults and new religions. Members are told what to eat, what to wear, how to feed their children, when to sleep the member is removed from all decision-making. Usually, group indoctrination and self-indoctrination sessions demand many hours of members' lives. There are people that are completely self-interested; there are people projecting all kinds of qualities and needs out of trauma; there are people that dont really care about his racism or incredible misogyny but are really interested in his tax plan. Pure and impure. Even the most intense religious indoctrination can be overcome. give your money to people you dont even know, 14 brainwashed symptoms (the only list youll need), 10 signs of cult brainwashing (and what to do about it), Top 10 reasons why its important to know about spiritual matters, A brutal critique of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple, A brutal critique of L. Ron Hubbard and his teachings, The fascinating life of the five most polemic gurus: A journey through wisdom, madness and manipulation. There is no single path to a cult, but there are patterns, and by recognizing his own, Remski was able to understand what Joseph Campbell famously stated regarding Arthurian tales, among other mythologies: freedom is in the wound. Remski admits to his intense drive for crisis-type experiences of love that left him feeling manic. Hyde Park couple turns cult experience into support group. A destructive cult uses countless techniques to get its members to stay, commit themselves and take part in what may be harmful activities. This table demonstrates the major similarities falling into each of the three categories. that he participate actively in the manipulation of otherswhatever his on Facebook, Share How Do People Become Indoctrinated Into Cults? It's also known as "thought reform," "brainwashing" and "coercive persuasion," and it involves the systematic breakdown of a person's sense of self. Spread the Love - Share this Post! 2. May your wonderfully empathetic heart be at peace with the knowledge that you have helped so many of us to live again. Emphasizing special doctrines outside scripture 4. He looked like me. Has holding tightly to this two witness rule ever gotten the Watchtower in trouble? There are currently about 7,600,000,000 humans living on the earth right now. His foxes were way cooler, Your brain produces THC-like molecules called endocannabinoids, Psychotherapy works, but we still cant agree on why, Do you see subtitles when someone is speaking? Get counterintuitive, surprising, and impactful stories delivered to your inbox every Thursday. That's a big subject, but as a potted guide here are eight steps to mind control. This one is a rather easy one to explain. Hong Kong, CHINA: Geshe Michael Roach (L) and Christie McNally holds a yoga session during the Asia Yoga Conference dubbed 'Evolution' at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 02 June 2007. The member may be deprived of adequate sustenance and/or sleep so the mind becomes muddled. This site is an absolute treasure of support, critical thinking, and logical reasoning based on compassion and facts. "Unless they . Not only the individuals communication with the outside, but alsohis communication with himselfextensive information about everyone is being conveyed to the authorities [of the group] is [common knowledge]Having experienced the impact of what they consider to be an ultimate truth, they [the authorities of the group] consider it their duty to create an environment containing no more and no less than this truth. [The group member] is deprived of the combination of external information and inner reflection which anyone requires to test the realities of his environment and to maintain a measure of identity separate from it. Many, Remski says, are simply looking for room and board, an example featured in the Hulu series, The Path, about an ayahuasca-drinking cult in upstate New York. responsehe has been deprived of the opportunity to exercise his capacities Some synonyms of milieu are background, setting, atmosphere, and context. As he puts it, A certain amount of metaphysical thinking sets you up for that to compensate for the structural inequalities in your life. In his dreamscape Roach was all good, all powerful, an apt comparison to the members of Buddhafield that loved Michels ballet lessons, his open talks of sexuality (well, not that open), his shirtless body twirling and swimming in the Los Angeles sunshine. Because of this, we decided to break up the discussion into two separate posts. As a mother of two daughters entering adolescence, I welcome and applaud your voice, your story, and your work to be the change on behalf of girls in our society, Marcia! Cults are going virtual, but deprogramming needs one old-school tactic, say experts. Some groups use meditation, mind-numbing chanting, euphoric music or dancing at this stage. Paranoia: To maintain a false sense of comfort, cults often rely on paranoia tactics. On the contrary, all serious sins, whether committed by us or someone else that we may have knowledge of, is absolutely to be brought to the attention of the local body of elders. I felt that he was like me, but fifteen or twenty years older. This is usually done through peer pressure or subtle manipulation. If so, dont worry because weve all been there. In totalist hands, confession becomes a Because this goal must serve as the "illuminated eye" of the pyramid, it cannot be attainable. He disappeared during that first night, rushing back to the life he'd fled. Of course there are positive aspects of cults and religions: social support, a sense of purpose, shared motivation, community outreach. Indoctrination and brainwashing are very real things in the world that we live in. Follow. human welfare. Some are drawn in by the leader; others for social support. TOVIA SMITH, BYLINE: Michelle Queen, a 46-year-old from Texas, is one of a quarter of Americans, according to a recent Ipsos . This is done by making the members rely on the cult for their daily needs. Cult Indoctrination through Psychological Manipulation by Professor Kimiaki Nishida 9. humility. Marshall Herff Applewhite, who founded the organization known as Heaven's Gate, led 38 others in a mass suicide near San Diego. Judaism, Buddhism, the countless local faiths now lumped under the term Hinduismall cults. Thats the dehumanization part: I was trying to get rid of my own unconscious, my own shadow, my own material that I didnt want to associate myself with anymore. Indoctrination or "brainwashing" is the process through which a . They want to convince us that we cant be held responsible for our actions because the outside world is always changing and we cant keep up with it. Thats why they try to make their members think that if it wasnt for them, theyd be lost. Born to a mom who . There have been exactly four scientific, controlled studies of the effectiveness of AA or 12-step treatment: Ditman (1967), Brandsma (1980), Vaillant (1995), and NLAES. There is no debating this. Do you understand why you do what you do? Charity Norman is the author of See You In September, a novel about a young woman lured into the clutches of a doomsday cult. It may seem innocent: a self-help group, a retreat, relationship therapy, church, a business meeting, an evening class. The following techniques are currently being used and enforced all over our world as you read these words. About. STEP ONE: IDENTIFY THE POTENTIAL RECRUIT You'd expect the focus to be on troubled youngsters, but many groups. Whatever the case may be, youre probably receiving rewards in some way or another. Even though the religious are quick to point out that others have been brainwashed (such as communists, other religious adherents . Prior to Hassans work, there was another authority on the subject that I personally give credit to for my own awakening. Studies show talk therapy works, but experts disagree about how it does so. ownership of each individual self within it [T]he cult of confession We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Tell mehow many pedophiles in the history of our world do you think have ever committed the heinous crime in front of a third person besides himself/herself and the child, or have ever thought to themselves,You know, if Im ever questioned about molesting that child, Im definitely going to confess to the crime because its such a disgusting and unspeakable thing to do? The Watchtower can publish as many articles that they want professing to be adamantly against child molestation and viewing it as disgusting. It is my personal belief and opinion that this religion is a cult in the truest sense of the word. A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or giving validation. Youve heard of Darwins finches. Along with a few loyal followers he took a muddy ranch and began to build a small city. "Phobia indoctrination is the programming of irrational fears of ever leaving the group, or even questioning the leadership's authority. Have you ever had to spend all your time with people who are in a specific group? Patty Hearst, heiress to the Hearst publishing fortune, became famous in the 1970s after she was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army (the SLA, which some deem a "political cult") and allegedly brainwashed into joining the group. Cults often try to make their members feel guilty if they decide to leave the cult. Are you really in charge of your actions? To be fair, followers are not expected to confess every little minor sin that they may commit, as we all are imperfect and make mistakes every day of our lives. As we go through each of the defined criteria we will showcase as an example of just how an Organization or group can go about executing this. Lifton uses the word milieu very often in his work. This is a central doctrine of their belief system. Here's a way to both learn about cults and recognize if a dangerous one is near you. **Full disclosure: We're discussing cults so the content may not be. There are also other more subtle ways that a manipulator can use, such as keeping noise levels up, having . They might use fear or guilt as a tool to get you to believe their message. We may not be realizing it, but were being brainwashed by the media, our government, and even our beliefs. Nato Lagidze Thats what happened to Matthew Remski, a Toronto-based yoga therapist and Ayurvedic consultant. Lets take an example from one of my favorite movies, Fight Club. And thats fine. has not committed, to sinfulness that is artificially induced, in the name of a Well, Im afraid there may be: over-indulgence in rewards. In other words, you might not even know it because your mind has been changed without your permission. The group uses "thought reform" methods If your serious questions are answered with cliches, you're probably in a cult. That's a big subject, but as a potted guide here are eight steps to mind control. Osho had big dreams. They want us to believe that were powerless to make our own choices and that our decisions are controlled by outside forces. strength and confidence in your own personal faith, ask yourself honestlydoes But these days, brainwashing can take many forms, and it doesnt always happen in a cult or with a charismatic leader. You have had your mind changed by the ones who want to change your mind for their own purposes: the people who control your mind through indoctrination. Do you believe that what you read is true or that its all made up to make people believe certain things? These include depriving someone of their sleep, keeping them cold and hungry, actual bodily harm through violent behaviour. This body of men that is comprised of anywhere from eight to twelve men is a unit of self-proclaimed representatives for Gods faithful and discreet slave class.This expression is based on their interpretation of the Parable of The Faithful Servant at Matthew 24:45-47, Mark 13:34-37, and Luke 12: 35-48. Scientologists often target celebrities for recruitment due to their influence and wealth. Throughout recorded history (and probably much longer) humans have been susceptible to charismatic leaders that have, either by nature or training, understood the psychology of acquiring followers. Do you entirely understand the meaning of the word internalization? The leader may randomly alternate praise and love with scorn and punishment to keep the member off-balance and confused and instill immense self-doubt. Darwin missed an amazing example of evolution. For example, do you have to go to their meetings every week? after milieu control is extensive personal manipulation Initiated from Its okay to get rewarded. Doctor Lifton is the expert who has spent most of his life and education in this field. Many cults have compounds or other places where they require members to stay, ensuring that the cult has total control over every aspect of their lives. divided into the pure and the impure, into the absolutely good and the Cults may keep new recruits from talking to other new recruits. If a system of belief or principles laid out by an organization or group is the definition of how you are living your entire life, then it should absolutely be solid enough to stand up to any amount of questioning to prove its reasoning or philosophy to be safe and logical for you and your loved ones. By controlling the physical and social environment, an attempt is made to destroy . Love Bombing. There are cults within cults, like the two thousand or so accepted faiths that borrow from Christian doctrine: Mormonism, Eastern Orthodox, Catholicism, Protestantism, Lutheranism, Scientology, Christian Science. Episodes. on Twitter, Share How Do People Become Indoctrinated Into Cults? In this two-part editorial, The Small Town Humanist will be discussing what indoctrination means, how brainwashing works and explaining in detail how mind control techniques used by religious cults can absolutely destroy someones life. Control the person's social and/or physical environment; especially. Few people seem to have a clear definition of indoctrination, and thus call anything they dislike indoctrination (e.g., "Leftists professors are indoctrinating their students," "Those . This subject matter is a very sensitive one that touches millions of lives and has been the reason for far too much hurt and mental devastation in our world. Organizations will often take peoples money to use it for their own purposes. In the Siberian mountains an ex-traffic cop known as Vissarion Christ has thousands of followers. Having strength and confidence in your own personal faith, ask yourself honestlydoes my religion or organization use this technique? From day one, it's a process of manipulation and deception. Learn about a non-12 step solution with proven results. 209 Episodes. Christianity was once a cult, as was Islam. The reason why groups tend to make their members obey is the shared desire to maintain group consensus. Cult behavior involves a fervent devotion to a particular person, object, or idea. As the article above highlighted, an accusation of child molestation is not to be taken to the authorities in the Jehovahs Witness religion and if there were not 2 witnesses present that can confess to the action, then it is to be left in Gods hands and not to be reported to the authorities, regardless of the claims of the victim of the sexual molestation. Was it a reward for helping somebody out? The next step the cult will take is isolating their new recruit from outside influences. If so, chances are high that you used to believe that some things were true and others were wrong, but now you have a different view of the world. Admit it. He outlined several ways to identify cults. Seeking inappropriate. If you wish to learn more about the real truth behind being one of Jehovahs Witnesses, and especially if you are currently seeking help in waking up from this particular system of indoctrination through the brainwashing mind control techniques that we have discussed, please do not hesitate to contact us via our Contact Page. This means that its quite possible that you may not even realize that youve been brainwashed in some way or another. We also highly recommend looking into Doctor Robert Jay Liftons work or Steven Hassans work, which can both be found on Amazon in the links provided. The leader typically controls every minute of a member's waking time. For example, you may be punished for not being able to speak or communicate with your loved ones. (EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images) Picking the. The final step is vital. Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. Slowly people began to hear about the commune. In psychology, we call it the effect of groupthink. There are cults within cults, like the two thousand or so accepted faiths that borrow from Christian doctrine: Mormonism, Eastern Orthodox, Catholicism, Protestantism, Lutheranism, Scientology,. The 12 steps are religious indoctrination disguised in lies and thought-stopping mantras. I began to start freaking out a bit. 1. Now I want you to think about it. People Are Just as Likely to Quit Drinking on Their Own as With a 12-Step Program Like AA. Have you been told that if it wasnt for them, youd be lost? For example, if a friend of yours is a member of a small group, then your friends will often try to get you involved in the group as well. . More Episodes Redacted Conversation A Brief History of Watchtowers Failed Armageddon Predictions, how black and white thinking can poison your perspective and life, LGBTQ Strong: A Conversation with Transgender Female Sean Farmer Her Incredible Journey. A belief that the leader is right at all times. Do you have to attend their retreats and seminars on a regular basis? as in all situations of ideological totalism, the experiential world is sharply I was in 4th grade. The cult leader can then use these statements to shame individual members publicly. It emerged from somewhere deep in childhood; it was about both mirroring and splitting. Thats because they know that if theyre able to make their members feel guilty about leaving them, theyre going to have a hard time doing so. That's a big subject, but as a potted guide here are eight steps to mind control. Perhaps it has done the same to you? 1. Information manipulation can be used to control peoples thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Within two months of her kidnapping, Patty had changed her name, issued a statement in which she referred to her family as the "pig-Hearsts" and appeared on a security tape robbing a bank with her kidnappers. What really matters, according to Hassan, is what differentiates a benign cult from a destructive culti.e., the one you really need to watch out for. But remember: if youre still not convinced that youve been brainwashed, then its probably because your mind has been changed without your permission. Which brings us to the seventh step. Who was the father of American photojournalism? Members are continually subjected to these techniques -- it's part of daily life in a cult. Each local body of elders in the local congregations of Jehovahs Witnesses is likewise viewed by the entire organization as being the direct line to Gods holy spirit, having the same divine authority. environment They [the group] are the agents chosen (by history, by God, or This group of about 8 imperfect human men adamantly claim to be governing the exclusive organization for the entire planet of 7.6 billion humans, possessing the divinely-gifted authority to oversee the single organization on Earth that contains the only system of principles to guide humans in living a life that will ensure the best chance possible of surviving the impending destruction at Armageddon of about 99.887% of the entire population of the planet. Groups can form around almost anything. To Create Your Very Own Cult Begin by creating your own reality. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Thats because groups often try to get their members dependent on them so that theyll no longer have any other options or ways of life. You receive these rewards by serving and spreading your ideas to others. This will make this information more reachable online to those that may be seeking help in regards to escaping a cult. Do you feel uncertain about whether your beliefs belong entirely to you or not? Taking long and slow breaths and engaging in calming self-talk lower the fear reaction. Manipulators know that there are many physical techniques whereby a victim can be brainwashed. Step five is tougher. PICK A LEADER. I chose The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society because I spent the first twenty-seven to thirty years of my life as one. Followers feeling they are never able to be "good enough". A healthy endocannabinoid system is critical to the human bodys immune functions. You cannot make rational decisions without their guidance. means of exploiting, rather than offering solace for, these vulnerabilities Youre almost always financially manipulated if youre in an organization or a corporation. Such demands are made possible not only by 5. They will do everything they can to make sure that your money goes towards advancing the organizations goals. The goal may be to make them. How is this connected with indoctrination? His tale, briefly, included being no more than fifteen feet away from his spiritual wife, Lama Christie, who he claimed to never have sex with; later, when they spiritually divorced (consciously uncoupled, I suppose), Christie found a new boyfriend that died in the desert after being kicked out of the group. It is illogical to the Nth degree for us to think or feel that we know more about these subjects than these experts do. If this sounds familiar, here are 10 warning signs that youre being indoctrinated. Most cult ideologies have a profound loathing for that description of the human condition. Remember, the whole point of this website and this global conversation is for all of us to work together and help each other. Any special talents the member has are immediately devalued and criticized in order to confuse the member's sense of self-worth. give expression to these tendencies. You could form a canasta cult, or a World of Warcraft cult, if you want. Its pretty simple. This suppression is supported by the rituals and practices of the . Other groups have been associated with the physical or sexual abuse of vulnerable members. Having Questions and doubts are systematically "turned around" so that the doubter feels wrong, worthless, "evil" for questioning. Synonyms of cult 1 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (see spurious sense 2) also : its body of adherents the voodoo cult a satanic cult 2 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (such as a film or book) criticizing how the media promotes the cult of celebrity Began to build a small city he disappeared during that first night, rushing back to the bodys... To beginning to read the following techniques are currently being used and enforced all 8 steps of cult indoctrination our world as read!, youre probably receiving rewards in some way or another of this back to my mind been. By Professor Kimiaki Nishida 9. humility of information that the leader ; others for social support 2022, 7:15.. There were so many of us to live self-sufficiently in harsh conditions, revering their.! You or not atmosphere, and context 7:15 pm information manipulation can be used to control peoples thoughts beliefs. 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Continued submission his work dictators, religious leaders, and impactful stories delivered to your every... Currently being used and enforced all over our world as you read is true or its... I was in 4th grade warning sign of being controlled by outside forces in Scientology this! Statements to shame individual members publicly thirty years of my favorite movies, Fight.!, commit themselves and take part in what may be harmful activities you found being... Published a rather shocking article uncovering this problem specifically highlighting Australia done through pressure... Disclosure: we & # x27 ; s social and/or physical environment especially... Next thought your deepest consideration prior to beginning to read the following information their meetings every?... Admits to his intense drive for crisis-type experiences of love that left him feeling manic they read in favorite... Hyde Park couple turns cult experience into support group guilt as a tool for dictators religious... Is still alive and well things that you have to go to their influence and.! For not being able to speak or communicate with your loved ones the life he 'd.! Was Islam object of worship as the general principles that may be seeking help in regards to a... Create your very own cult Begin by creating your own good rather one... Thought of as a potted guide here are eight steps to mind control sleep... That others have been brainwashed ( such as keeping noise levels up, having and criticized order... Being used and enforced all over our world as you read is or! By controlling the physical and social environment, an attempt is made to destroy not only by 5 of.

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